What does the lmao meaning in chat room language?

 In the current generation each and every single person be it the adult people or even the teenagers are using the short forms in their day to day chat conversation and in the chat rooms on the social media platform in order to make the conversation easier as well as smoother. Therefore, knowing more about the lmao meaning in chat is even more important and necessary.

However, using the short forms which are also very commonly known as the acronyms abbreviations and sometimes they are also been referred to as internet slang should be used only when the other person also understand that what you are actually trying to say and what you want to convey lmao meaning in chat room language to the other person on the other hand as well.

Because in this particular chatting language or we can say that social media platforms are not able to justify what a person feels and are not at all able to convey the same feeling, all even the facial expression of the person on one hand to the person on the other hand. So, what does the lmao meaning in chat room?

Therefore it has always been suggested by the expert of this particular field that you should use internet slang or abbreviations only when the other person on the opposite side of your chat room also knows about these shortcuts and short forms properly.

There are so many different as well as unique types of abbreviations are available in the world which are being used by people all across the globe and that too in a very frequent manner. We have mentioned some of them along with the proper and accurate lmao meaning in chat in this particular article. Have a look at the same. 

Here are some major abbreviations and acronyms used for the internet on the social media platforms such as lmao meaning in chat:

  1. T.T.Y.L - talk to you later
  2. A.S.A.P - as soon as possible
  3. B.R.B - be right back
  4. G.T.G - Got to go
  5. W.B.U - what about you
  6. DM - direct message
  7. L.M.A.O - laughing my ass off/ out.
  8. L.O.L.- laughing out loud
  9. D.M. - direct message 
  10. R.T.- re tweeting 
  11. A.M.A.- ask me anything out there
  12. H.T. - has tag
  13. I.M.H.O. - in my humble opinion 
  14. F.A.Q. - frequently asked question 
  15. T.B.H. - to be really honest
  16. I.R.L. - in the real life of the person 
  17. N.S.F.W. - not so safe for the work 
  18. T.L.T.R. - it is too long to be read
  19. G.O.A.T.- greatest of the all time
  20. D.O.P.E.- cool as well as the awesome personality 
  21. G.U.C.C.I.- good, cool, as well as the going well 
  22. O.M.G.- oh my god
  23. L.I.T.- amazing, cool, and also the exitcing one of all time. 
  24. Y.O.L.O.- you only live once 
  25. F.O.M.O. - feeling of missing out 
  26. B.R.U.H - bro or dude or the brother
  27. N.O.O.B. - A newbie in the market who does not know how to handle a particular task
  28. R.O.F.L. - rolling on the floor laughing 
  29. L.O.L. - lots of love
  30. I.M.O - in my opinion


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